
Independent researcher with over 20 years’ experience working in two of the largest social research agencies in the UK (Research Director at NatCen Social Research and Director at TNS-BMRB) and government (Principal Research Officer at Department for Education – DfE).

Logos of clients

  • Designed and led on numerous research and evaluation contracts – managing all aspects of the research process from setting up the project to reporting the findings and drawing out the implications for policy and practice. These contracts have varied in size and scope – from large-scale programme evaluations (including complex longitudinal qualitative and mixed method evaluation designs) to smaller exploratory projects.
  • Qualitative research and evaluation expertise – including process evaluations (e.g. the design and set up of family intervention projects) large qualitative research projects (e.g.considering age portrayal in the media), deliberative research (e.g. to understand gene therapy, and the economy), to exploratory qualitative studies to understand attitudes and behavior (e.g. political attitudes and behavior, problem gambling, substance misuse and physical activity) develop and design information and other materials (e.g. about pensions, PR voting systems and ballot papers)
  • Policy literate – Worked across a wide range of policy areas covering: family and parenting interventions and services, education and training, crime and justice, political attitudes and behaviour, financial and other support services, addiction and risk taking behaviour and recreational activities.
  • Communicating and reporting research findings for different audiences – In substantive, summary and themed reports, book chapters, papers and articles and oral presentations. These outputs have catered for the policy and practice community, members of the public, academics and ministers.
  • Teaching and writing about qualitative research methods – Designed and delivered training sessions (e.g. research with children and young people, the design and use of focus groups) produced presentations, papers and published outputs on qualitative methods (e.g. qualitative deliberative activities and reporting qualitative research in Qualitative Research Practice) .